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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Daily Word for July 20, 2021


crescendo - noun - highest point reached in a progressive increase of intensity (Google)

Do you ever feel as though you are living inside a crescendo? Unfortunately, I'm not referring to a musical experience here; I'm thinking in terms of how some situations (generally negative) start small and then escalate from there, eventually reaching a stressful apex. Case in point, if you read yesterday's installment of this blog, you already know that I had attended a chi chi wedding in Bermuda over the weekend. All was transpiring extremely well until the flight home when acts of God beyond United's control forced the regularly scheduled flight to land, not in Newark like we were supposed to, but in Boston. 

By the time we were able to exit the 707, we had experienced a delay of five hours. (The flight from Bermuda to Newark is normally 1.45 hours.) No one was in a buoyant mood, especially the one agent United had assigned to solve everyone's mutual dilemma: How to get back to Newark in the middle of a storm. Needless to say, the dilemma wasn't solved. So my daughter and I booked a last-minute room in our favorite Bean Town haunt, the Parker House Hotel, managing to negotiate mass transit in order to arrive there at bed time. But the aforementioned has little to do with the crescendo, which I mentioned in the third sentence. I'm talking money here. The initial price quote for the room was $287.10, high, but it's Boston. By morning, the price had increased to $353.01 due to the addition of excessive bogus taxes such as State Occupancy (whatever that means). After taking two buses home (I was not going to deal with the ineptitude of United again), for a total of six hours, I looked up my credit card statement and was shocked to see that the hotel's bill had grown to $403. The crescendo was completely unwarranted. Needless to say, I'll probably be on the phone this morning with the hotel and perhaps even Visa. 

Moral of the story? Don't travel in anything other than your car during a pandemic. It ain't over till it's over.

#word of the day, #vocabulary, #writers, #writers and poets, #words, #inspiration, #optimism, #inspiring words, #humor, #spilled thoughts, #motivation, #inspirational thoughts, #inspiration, #inspirational words, #words of wisdom, #affirmation, #optimism, #poets and writers, #writers community, #writers, #readers #writing

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