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Thursday, July 29, 2021

The Daily Word for July 29, 2021


zorro - noun - a type of fox seen in South America (

I don't live in a South American country although politically and economically, sometimes it might seem as though I do. I do live, however, in a bustling suburb of New Jersey, not terribly far from New York City. I don't know if COVID has anything remotely to do with it, but lately elements of nature seem to be gaining ground. Creatures not typically seen in the 'burbs are popping up. It is as though these foreign species are intuiting our probable demise and capitalizing on it. Maybe they are saying to themselves, "Okay, here's our chance. These humans may die out fairly soon and leave us to inherit planet Earth. We'd better start thinking about our own version of gentrification. We'll move in and push the surviving humans out." And why not? After all, they were here first. 

You are probably curious as to what unusual examples of wildlife I've had skulking about lately. In my own garden, I've seen hummingbirds (which I did not see before the pandemic), two kinds of foxes (not zorros as far as I know), news of a bear running through neighbors' yards (but not my own–yet). I also have legions of deer: does, stags, and fawns that I have to feed, or they will eat all vegetation in sight. And oddly enough, although this did not happen in Jersey's 'burbs, my sister's boyfriend was bitten by a rattlesnake in the Catskills. That sort of thing just doesn't happen on this coast too frequently. (At least I don't think it does.)

Am I personally afraid of being displaced by Mother Nature? Not at the moment, no. But you have got to wonder whether it is possible in the next few decades, especially if we don't get our acts together and take better care of the planet and ourselves. 

I'll be taking the weekend off to partake in the natural wonders of the Jersey shore. There are no deer or zorros on the beach as far as I know. You enjoy your weekend as well. 

#word of the day, #vocabulary, #writers, #writers and poets, #words, #inspiration, #optimism, #inspiring words, #humor, #spilled thoughts, #motivation, #inspirational thoughts, #inspiration, #inspirational words, #words of wisdom, #affirmation, #optimism, #poets and writers, #writers community, #writers, #readers #writing

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