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Friday, May 14, 2021

The Daily Word for May 14, 2021


surreal or surrealistic - adj. - having a strange, dreamlike quality (Google)

If you have lived long enough, you already know that reality can definitely be surreal. Today's word is relatively young, having arisen from the fine art movement, surrealism, that Dada influenced after World War I. Salvatore Dali's creations are surrealistic or just pretty weird stuff. 

This past Wednesday night, three friends and I took a dip in the pool of surrealism, fully awake. To make a long story short, we arrived at a local Greek eatery, dressed to the nines and armed with floral arrangements, gift bags, cards, and bottles of wine to celebrate another friend's birthday. By seven o'clock, we were all present, sitting, chatting at a table by the front window. All the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle came together beautifully, but one was missing: the birthday girl. Absentminded she was forty-five minutes upstate, fully expecting her celebration would be the following night, Thursday. Naturally, she never showed. The rest of us made lemonade out of lemons (or viewed the wine as such), and with it, toasted each other instead. I think at some point, I'll write a play based on the experience. Perhaps a surrealist painter might be inspired to capture the looks on the characters' faces when they uncover that their initial purpose was foiled.

What's the takeaway from this? Life can be surreal. Be prepared and keep your sense of humor. 

#word of the day, #vocabulary, #writers, #writers and poets, #words, #inspiration, #optimism, #inspiring words, #humor

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