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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Holding onto Ebullience


ebullience - noun - state of being joyful, cheerful, and full of energy.

These days it is hard to hold onto anything with ebullience attached to it, but it is possible to strive for joy and buoyancy despite challenging times. I suppose mindset is involved in maintaining ebullience. In other words, you have to put forth some effort to inhabit it. Even so, to walk on air is impossible to do 24/7 unless the Universe gives you a boost now and again. It blew some air into my balloon just yesterday.

As usual, I was driving sans paying much attention to anything (rather dangerous to do), when I came to a stoplight where a crew of ebullient Christians representing an obscure church were approaching the tentatively parked cars, collecting cash for the homeless. As I have a particular affinity for these people, itinerant Christians and the disadvantaged, I was glad to roll down my window and donate to a worthy cause. Opening my wallet, I found nothing but five twenties, so I threw one into the man's plastic paint bucket. Consequently, the verbal receipt that he provided was well worth the loss of one of the Jackson 5. "Don't let anyone steal your joy," he said with an expression of pure glee. I think I returned the favor, but it didn't seem as convincing and heartfelt as his. I drove away quite sure that God was winking at me via the sentence from an anonymous fallen angel. 

If we disregard these messages that the Universe sends to us directly, most likely we will miss out on invaluable advice or just wisdom. If we open our ears, eyes, and hearts to the motivational messengers, our lives may just get easier. 

Optimism can be real. Enough said. 

#word-to-words, #slice-of-life,  #blog, #blogging, #editorial, #reading, #vocabulary, #ReadersMagnet, #spilled thoughts, #good advice, #personal-essay, #writing community, #writing, #CreativeSuggestion 

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