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Sunday, July 4, 2021

The Daily Word for July 4, 2021


firebrand - noun - 1. a person passionate about a cause. 2. a piece of burning wood

On this July 4th, both definitions of firebrand figure into the equation. Firstly, Independence Day wouldn't be a holiday if the early firebrands of this country hadn't united against "taxation without representation" or just a tyrannical British king. Ironically, within the past eight years, we've dealt with taxation albeit with representation and an elected tyrant who viewed himself as a king. As a result, we've seen an uprising of blue and red firebrands, but unlike back in 1776, few are united, and some are experiencing division within their own parties. History does tend to repeat itself, but the stories are never quite the same. 

Secondly, because so many states now allow individuals to purchase and set off their own fireworks, inexperience can cause myriad firebrands lying around, which unchecked, could be dangerous, especially in arid climates. Fortunately, fireworks are illegal in California. Thank Goodness for small blessings. 

Today, America turns 245 years old, and sadly, as firebrands or peacemakers, we are more divided than ever. Hopefully, history will repeat itself, and we will come together as a nation of patriots, standing behind good causes. I hope this happens as The Divided States of America (D.S.A.) just doesn't have the same ring to it as The United States of America (U.S.A.). 

Enjoy celebrating this birthday safely. 

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