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Thursday, May 27, 2021

The Daily Word for May 27, 2021


criticaster - noun - a minor or inept critic

If you consider yourself to be an artist on any level, then you are most likely familiar with criticasters. If you aren't, then be wary of the individual who poses as an expert but whose education and/or experience is minimal. This kind of critic, a criticaster, should not be critiquing anything. As a writer who has been in the publishing field for over twenty years, I can promise you there are multitudinous criticasters out there that are less appetizing and fragrant than castor oil. Unfortunately, though, they are unavoidable. 

For you writers especially, caveat emptor when it comes to literary agents. Before you allow that rejection or multiple rejections strip you of a modicum of confidence, do a bit of research. Find out the backgrounds of these people. Some of them, I promise you, are downright laughable. You'd be surprised at just how many science majors populate the literary community. Not to discredit biologists, but since when are they authorities on creative writing? Face it. The side of the brain that relates to math or science isn't the side of the brain that relates to language or art. And, take it from me, there are very few ambidextrous brains out there, especially in today's technologically preoccupied world. 

So, how do you avoid such criticasters? You don't. As I said, do the research. If the person's resume reflects competence in a field relative to your art, then you might wish to take his/her/their criticism to heart and learn from it. If not, ignore the criticaster. Chances are he/she/they were bullied in high school and are out for revenge, and you're the likely target. 

#word of the day, #vocabulary, #writers, #writers and poets, #words, #inspiration, #optimism, #inspiring words, #humor, 

#spilled thoughts, #motivation

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