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Thursday, March 11, 2021

The Daily Word for March 11, 2021


epicene - adjective - having characteristics of both sexes; androgynous 

"Imagine all the people living life in peace." - John Lennon

Because androgynous people have always existed, the word epicene is not new. We human beings of all shapes, sizes, colors, etc. have been around for about 200,000 years. Fundamentally over time, human nature hasn't changed. What does seem to be a fairly recent innovation is our preoccupation with multifarious labels that highlight aspects of individuality/identity, yet serve to alienate and marginalize. I can't even begin to list some of the most popular lately as I do not wish to single anyone out and potentially offend. That is not my purpose. I'm the optimist, remember? 

Thinking optimistically, I'd like to ride piggyback on John and Yoko's "Imagine" and suggest that we spend time envisioning and maybe even actualizing the perfect case scenario: Would it be possible to condense all of the labels into one? Could we all just be humans? Or sentient souls? If we must judge, can we just analyze character, not race, gender, sexuality, or anything else? If we could, I'm thinking that equality and peace might just evolve naturally from this new state of mind. Conflicts might dissolve so that Love could conquer. It's a tall order. Imagine that.

"You might say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us, and the world will be as one."- John Lennon

I'll be taking the weekend off. 

Enjoy yours! 

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