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Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Recondite Common Sense and Perspective


recondite - adjective - little known, abstruse (Google)

Sometimes I think that common sense is not only uncommon but downright recondite. I am going to tuck in proper perspective as well because often they hinge on each other. To own the common sense to perceive in order to put things in their rightful place or places, as the case might be, is a rarity.

Case in point: Yesterday, my daughter and I drove over to historic Shady Rest to cast our ballots in the New Jersey gubernatorial election. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your perspective, the place was packed with impatient, masked neighbors hoping to accomplish their civic duty as quickly and efficiently as possible sans any unforeseen challenges. As my daughter and I were waiting in one of two long lines of people butt up against each other to advance behind the curtain of our designated machine, I had time to survey the room. The first thing I noticed was the size of the space, which was capacious enough to accommodate comfortably the two machines, the lengthy table of volunteer poll workers, their urbane technological wonders, and all of the voters quite satisfactorily socially distanced in two lines if whoever had organized the event had possessed the common sense to see that half of the area was being unused. Everything and everybody were unnecessarily crowded into half of the assembly chamber. And unsurprisingly, few on line recognized the fact. 

I know the aforementioned is small in comparison to the much larger, but it remains an example of the point that I am trying to make. Common sense should not be recondite; it should be obvious. If only people would look around and truly see what surrounds them, they might be able to make a few positive changes to benefit more than a few others. Just saying...

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