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Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Sybil and the Power of Positive Thinking


sibylline - adjective - prophetic and mysterious, relating to a sibyl, any one of several prophetesses credited to separate parts of the ancient world (Google)

Although I may be isolated on a nearly deserted tropical island regarding my opinion on this one, I believe that God has the ability to speak through others. Call them sibyls or angels, take your pick, but they are out there. And most likely, they don't realize that they have the gift of prophecy, yet their apt words tend to point us in the right direction if we happen to be lost in the palm trees. Speaking of palm trees, take my main man out in L.A., for instance, who has the most splendid view of tall, sabal palmettos from his apartment. (Note that he can see them; he's not lost in them.) Okay, sure he is a licensed psycho-analyst and probably one of the best there is in California simply by virtue of experience. But he is more. Well schooled, sibylline, intuitive, sensible, he is someone who is keenly aware not only of how the human mind works, but how the Universe functions. Naturally, a little education, instinct, and common sense can all add up to prescience.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, who was also a seer in his own time once said, "As a man thinketh, so is he. As a man chooseth, so is he." We are the sum of our thoughts and the choices we make. It sounds easy enough, but in reality, it isn't because most of us tend to feed off pessimism and fear, which can influence our decisions negatively. My main man fights the tendency to fall into this snare trap by sending out positive energy into the Universe. He told me just by contemplating that something will come to pass, he usually gets what he wants. It comes down to the power of positive thinking, not a new concept. 

Now, of course, if you don't know what you want, then this technique won't work for you. But still, if you just keep the faith and hang onto the notion that your life's trajectory is set accurately, then you should be able to find your way out of the palm trees eventually. You don't even have to be sibylline; all you have to do sometimes is go with the flow and trust that it will take you into the clearing where you can see for miles. And sometimes all you have to do is listen to the good intentioned advice of the sibyls/angels that surround you. Just saying. 

#word of the day, #vocabulary, #writers, #writers and poets, #words, #inspiration, #optimism, #inspiring words, #humor, #spilled thoughts, #motivation, #inspirational thoughts, #inspiration, #inspirational words, #words of wisdom, #affirmation, #optimism, #poets and writers, #writers community, #writers, #readers #writing

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