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Sunday, August 29, 2021

The Daily Word for August 29, 2021


scofflaw - noun - a person who disregards the law (

I like compound words because if you separate the two, the meaning of the whole is usually obvious, obviating the need to run to a dictionary. For example, scofflaw is composed of scoff, which means to mock, and law, which refers to a system of rules governing a society. So it would make sense that scofflaw would point to someone who has no respect for laws, someone who scoffs at the law.

In the U.S.A., we are brought up to adhere to the law of the land albeit not everyone does. This is probably true for many in other countries as well. Adolescents, in particular, tend to rebel against whatever adults dictate as the tendency is something that is inherent psychologically in youth. Most grow up and out of the rebellious phase, however. 

When I think of scofflaw, one of my favorite cousins comes to mind. As a man in his sixties, he has long outgrown his disrespect for the law; but a challenging adolescence rife with opportunities to act out left him with several humorous anecdotes that he will revert back to telling at parties just to entertain the bored. One of my personal favorites involves our aunt's yellow Oldsmobile 98, the Cadillac of that archaic GM brand. She bequeathed it to him for no apparent reason, and he took full advantage of its capabilities, one being a tank-like imperviousness to other vehicles. When drunk, my cousin would take the car out for a spin on Saturday nights and would wind up using it to play bumper cars with other parked vehicles. If he had done the same today, he would have wound up in jail; but this scofflaw was so universally well liked that the police would merely pull him over, remove him from the Olds, and escort him back home to his chagrined parents. Thank Goodness he didn't get himself killed. Thank Goodness the police were patient and understanding.

The takeaway? Even in today's world, the worst scofflaw can get away unscathed if he or she has friends in high places. (Sound familiar?) 

Human nature doesn't change over time. 

#word of the day, #vocabulary, #writers, #writers and poets, #words, #inspiration, #optimism, #inspiring words, #humor, #spilled thoughts, #motivation, #inspirational thoughts, #inspiration, #inspirational words, #words of wisdom, #affirmation, #optimism, #poets and writers, #writers community, #writers, #readers #writing

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